The South African stone fruit industry is accelerating the adoption of new technologies and innovative growing practices to take production to the next level.

The industry, led by Hortgro, is driving forward a wide range of research projects designed to make production more efficient, address the challenges of climate change, and boost output of high-quality fruit.
Recent initiatives have included putting up netting on farms to increase yields and improve fruit quality, installing solar panels to tackle energy shortages, adopting new technologies for quality management in the packhouse, using drones for precision farming, and investing in water-saving and irrigation-management measures such as low flow drip irrigation, mulching, water probes and new pumping systems.
The extent of the industry’s efforts to take production to the next level are underlined by the fact that Hortgro has a dedicated division – Hortgro Science, based in Stellenbosch – that is focused on identifying key research areas, funding projects and seeking collaborative opportunities with both local and international research groups. It supports programmes across a range of areas from production through to crop protection and post-harvest technology, and produces reports, training videos, seminars and webinars to help growers with continual improvement.
Collaboration with growers is at the heart of Hortgro’s approach to research and development. “Our job is to create an enabling environment,” says Jacques du Preez, general manager of trade and markets. “We do that through research into innovation and technology, as well as assisting growers in obtaining market access and creating trade opportunities for them.”
Among the various initiatives, an ongoing project called The Orchard of the Future is aimed at enabling greater operational efficiency, improving fruit production, reducing wastage, and showcasing potential new strategies and technologies that can reduce risk.
Hortgro also plays its part in the Post-Harvest Innovation (PHI) Programme, which is a public-private partnership between the Department of Science and Innovation and various fruit industries through the Fresh Produce Exporter’s Forum. The programme aims to create a culture of innovation by providing funding opportunities to projects filling technology gaps in the horticultural export value chain.
Currently in its fifth phase – which runs until June 2026 – four research projects are being carried out to find solutions to industry challenges, with an emphasis on participation from historically disadvantaged individuals. Current research projects include ultra-low oxygen and nitric oxide treatment for pests in pome and stone fruit, and the commercial potential of ethyl formate fumigation, which is regarded as a promising post-harvest treatment for external pests.
Recently completed projects, meanwhile, have sought scientific solutions to broken stones in plums and moisture loss in nectarines, among other things.
New varietal development is a further area where growers are looking to gain an edge. Pierre Rossouw, technical manager at leading supplier Stems, said the company has access to as many as 13 different breeding programmes from around the world to ensure it has the best varieties for each particular product throughout the season.
“As we have such a diverse climate, you need certain genetics that will be adaptable to each specific region,” he added. “If you plant the right variety on the right rootstock in the right area, you can grow a very good product. That’s the whole aim, and how we want to distinguish ourselves from the competition and supply our customers with the best possible product in a specific window.”