Mike Parr, CEO UK & Ireland for PML Seafrigo, has long voiced concerns over the complexities of new import regulations.

As the deadline for the Safety & Security (S&S) declarations approached at the end of January, he reflected on the far-reaching impact this change would have on hauliers, importers, and ultimately, consumers.
The new requirements dictate that regulated goods entering the UK must be accompanied by the correct Phytosanitary or Health (Sanitary) documentation, provided by the exporter before the shipment’s arrival. These goods must also be pre-notified on IPAFFS (Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System) and, if selected for inspection, presented at an Inland Border Facility or designated Control Point. For those unprepared, the consequences could be severe, leading to costly delays and supply chain disruption.
Parr has repeatedly raised the issue of inefficiency in the process. One fundamental question remains unanswered: why can’t the S&S declarations be incorporated into the pre-lodged import declarations that hauliers are already required to submit? This logical consolidation could ease administrative burdens, yet the industry continues to wait for a response from customs.
From the exporter’s standpoint, the situation is equally troubling. Phytosanitary certificates (PCs) can take up to five days to be issued, subject to the availability of an Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) official. This delay poses a particular challenge for perishable goods, such as berries, where assessing readiness for export five days in advance is impractical. Some countries, like the Netherlands, have streamlined their processes using technology, allowing exporters to send a video to their regulatory authority. If no response is received within two hours, approval is automatically granted. The UK, however, has yet to adopt such an efficient approach.
Another potential solution once existed in the form of PHEATS, a voluntary trade scheme that enabled authorised personnel to carry out inspections and issue PCs in-house after Defra-approved training. Despite its success as a pilot scheme, there is no clear plan for a wider rollout. Moreover, the cost of participating is prohibitive for many growers, limiting access to international markets and putting UK exporters at a disadvantage.
These logistical hurdles are exacerbated by the government’s repeated U-turns on trade policies, something Parr has frequently criticised. Businesses and freight forwarders must continuously invest time and resources to stay ahead of the ever-changing requirements, often to find their efforts rendered obsolete by another policy shift.
Last year, Parr highlighted the increasing reluctance among hauliers to transport goods to the UK due to stringent checks and mounting disruption. The consequences are already apparent: fewer trucks on the road, reduced shelf life for perishable goods, higher prices for consumers, and in some cases, entire shipments being destroyed due to delays. Some exporters are even reconsidering their involvement in the UK market altogether, deterred by escalating costs and administrative red tape.
Once again, the industry finds itself facing the repercussions of a government that seems disconnected from those on the ground. As 2025 looms, it is set to be a challenging year for all stakeholders in the perishable goods supply chain. Without pragmatic reforms, the UK risks significant disruptions to fresh produce availability, with consumers ultimately paying the price.