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Tomtech Showcases Greenhouse Technology on National Strawberry Day

While strawberries are traditionally associated with summer, their dedicated day falls in winter—a time when cultivating these climate-sensitive fruits presents significant challenges.

Given their need for warmth and sunlight, UK growers must carefully manage growing conditions to ensure a year-round supply.

“At Tomtech, we’re celebrating National Strawberry Day! Despite the UK’s cold, wet, and dark winters, climate-sensitive fruit like strawberries can still be grown to their full potential. By leveraging greenhouses reinforced with environmental control systems to ensure optimal environmental conditions, our store shelves can be kept fully stocked with homegrown strawberries and other soft fruits,” says Krzysztof Hernik, Managing Director at Tomtech.

Tomtech is highlighting the role of advanced greenhouse control systems, such as the Tomtech T100, in providing growers with the tools to create, monitor, and maintain ideal growing environments. With improved insights and precise control over greenhouse conditions, commercial growers can eliminate environmental guesswork, making data-driven adjustments to optimise crop growth.

“Strawberries thrive when they have the right balance of temperature, humidity, and light in a greenhouse. Our technology helps growers replicate the best possible conditions for these summer fruits, ensuring high yields and premium-quality strawberries—regardless of the season,” adds Krzysztof.

“When utilizing a greenhouse structure managed by a Tomtech system, even the most temperature-sensitive crops can be grown on UK grounds. We aim to continue supporting greenhouse growers across the nation with better environmental control, ensuring we maintain a steady supply of fruit and vegetables all year round,” concludes Krzysztof.


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